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After you have registered your organization on Eventgroove Fundraising, it’s time to start fundraising.

Set your organization’s fundraiser up for success by telling your story from beginning to end with a compelling narrative across your fundraising hub.

Organizing, promoting, and executing online fundraisers on Eventgroove is free and easy to do. We’ve enabled hundreds of nonprofit organizations to raise thousands of dollars for great causes worldwide. However, you can’t just create a fundraising page and expect people to find it.

You must tell your fundraiser’s story and give people a reason to care about the cause you’re supporting. Create a compelling narrative to forge an emotional connection between donor and cause. That connection is key to driving regular contributions from your supporters.

Use this Cheatsheet as a guide to successful online fundraisers on Eventgroove. This checklist prompts you to consider key components of your fundraiser and ways to execute them effectively with Eventgroove. Check your list, check it twice, and drive the results you’re looking for. 

Make sure to print out the checklist for easy use and distribution! 


1. Pre-Fundraiser: Storytelling Phase

Timing: Up to 2 months before fundraiser launch

Tell your story with a robust fundraising hub – be sure to use every bit of our fully customizable fundraising center

Branding Your Account: What You Need To Know

Tell your story with compelling copy and beautiful imagery. Even add a video to your fundraising page.

Share your organization’s story.

Add images on your fundraising page

Centralize your fundraising at a branded Supporter Center

Set Up A Custom Domain For Your Eventgroove Fundraising Account

Outreach: Informing Donors/Constituents/Supporters/Ticket Buyers – Get The Word Out

Make sure to spread the word about your fundraiser. Don’t just tell them you’re having a fundraiser. Tell your story. What are you raising money for? Why should they care? Below are the top ways to initiate contact and stay in touch with donors and supporters using Eventgroove Fundraising. 

Social media outreach: 

Reach your audience where they spend the most time. Share event details on your social media pages to reach new potential attendees. (We have social media templates for that.)

Direct mail invitation: 

If you really want to “wow”, send potential attendees a postcard mailer ahead of time to announce your fundraiser and provide potential donors with an easy-access link.

Pro tip: If you enable text-to-give on your fundraiser, provide quick instructions for a text donation on your postcards! For example: “Text ‘GIVE’ to 000-000-0000 to donate today!”

Update donors as needed: 

Keep participants and supporters up-to-date with the latest info about your fundraising efforts, like dates, times, prizes, and progress. Update your fundraiser details as often as you need to keep things current! Whether you need to loop them in on a new prize or send an additional update on campaign progress, it’s easy to send an email to some or all of the donors on any of your campaigns. 

Pro-tip: you can also export this list of donors and import them into your own email program (like MailChimp). Simply click ‘EXPORT‘ in the bottom left of the table on the view donors* page.


Help Article: How To Email Donors and Post Updates On Your Campaign


2. Go time

Before kicking off your virtual fundraising experience, make sure you have the following items covered.

Provide multiple fundraising options: 

Give donors as many options to donate as you can–people prefer to give in different ways! Luckily, the Eventgroove Fundraising platform allows you to enable as many fundraising types as you want. 


The best way to grow your fundraising campaign is to create a network of donors. Enabling peer-to-peer fundraising allows you to set incentives for donors who recruit additional supporters to your fundraiser. Participants can create their own fundraising page that they can share with friends and family, as well as social media. 

Admin access: 

Make sure you provide admin access to trusted members of your team so they can help you manage your campaign.

We’re here to help!

We’re here to answer your questions to help make your virtual event a success – but don’t wait until the last minute to call! If you need help, call early and avoid the stress of dealing with problems while your guests are starting to log on.

  • Email: fundraising@eventgroove.com
  • Phone: 855-425-1071


3. Post-Fundraiser: Analyze & Improve

Thank you email: be sure to thank your supporters for their participation (maybe more than once!) and provide bonus content or some other followup with a personalized email after the fundraiser. This can have a larger impact than you may think and should not be a step you skip!

Analyze attendee data: use Eventgroove’s powerful reporting analytics to understand attendee’s behavior. Who donated, and how much? What was the average bid amount? Collect these key data points to determine what parts of your event could have gone better and what parts were home runs. 

Improve: go ahead and jot down some things you would do differently next time, based on the performance data you analyzed. Do a bit of brainstorming while the event is fresh in your mind. Start a new folder or file to keep these notes in to help kick off planning for your next fundraiser.

Grow: use donor lists as your seed list for your next invitation emails. This list will ideally grow with every fundraiser you organize! Continue growing your reach with the limitless potential of online fundraisers.