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Events bring people together through a shared experience. Supporting a cause works much in the same way—people unite to support something important to them. Pairing the two together is a natural fit.

When you partner your event with a good cause, you’re doing good for the community. A side benefit of this partnership is increased brand awareness and access to new customer bases.

In this article, we’ll explore cause-related marketing, how it’s of mutual benefit to events and nonprofit organizations, and how to make the most of the partnership. We’ll also look at what to consider when choosing a charity and discuss how events can develop meaningful engagement around their cause.

What Is Cause Marketing?

Cause-related marketing is when a business or event teams up with a nonprofit organization to promote each other’s causes. It allows businesses to build public goodwill and brand loyalty by demonstrating their commitment to social issues.

 A study conducted by Edelman found that “64% of global consumers will choose, switch, avoid, or boycott a brand based on where it stands on the political or social issues they care about.”

Additionally, “eighty-three percent of Millennials say it’s important for the companies they buy from to align with their beliefs and values.” (via 5WPR’s 2020 Consumer Culture Report.).

Young people aren’t the only ones who respond to brands that are associated with a worthy cause. Older generations do, too.

According to a 2021 survey by Porter Novelli, 66% of Americans aged 55+ would switch to a brand that supported a social or environmental cause important to them. The same report found that 63% of older consumers are more likely to buy a product from a company that takes a stand on an issue they care about.

In other words, whoever your target audience is, demonstrating that your brand cares about the local and global community is important. However, note that Gen Z takes a brand’s connection with a cause very seriously. States Hubspot’s article Marketing to Gen Z: How to Get It Right in 2023, “According to data from Forrester’s Technographics, almost a third of Gen Z say that they unfollow, hide, or block brands on social media on a weekly basis. The reason? ‘Gen Zers don’t hesitate to cancel brands when they sense a shallow veneer.'”

How Events Can Benefit From Cause Marketing

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A purposeful connection.

Employees and guests are more engaged when they are taking part in activities that promote social responsibility. That sense of making a difference fosters camaraderie in the workplace and boosts morale among those passionate about the cause. As such, partnering with a good cause can make an event much more memorable overall!
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Brand awareness.

Consumers aren’t the only ones tuned into brands and their connections to charitable causes. There is increased media attention surrounding social justice initiatives. Events that collaborate with these types of causes could receive even more publicity than those that do not. In other words, there’s a good chance your event will have media coverage if it’s helping a good cause. A benefit of that is increased awareness of the event’s values and mission.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Your Charity Partner

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Make sure it aligns with your values & goals.

Supporting a charity simply because it synchs with your target audience isn’t a good idea. Your nonprofit partner should be something that resonates with you and your brand.
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Evaluate impact.

Look for a charity that has made a measurable impact on its cause. Consider the tangible results that have been achieved, the stories that can be told, and the unique ways the charity is making a difference. If you’re able to quantify the impact, that’s even better. Being able to share these numbers with your audience will show them that their money is going to a cause that can make a difference.
Cause-related marketing is mutually beneficial, so make sure your nonprofit partner feels supported and appreciated. You can do this by providing them with promotional materials, tickets, and in-kind donations, as well as by incorporating their branding into your event. Additionally, it’s important to be open with your charity partner and share information about the event’s progress, milestones, and outcomes. By keeping them up to date, they will be more likely to promote your event and become a long-term partner.
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Set clear objectives.

Establishing concrete goals helps guarantee that both sides are striving towards the same objective. Make sure these goals are attainable, achievable, and measurable so that success can be evaluated post-event.
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Be innovative.

Events present an ideal chance to raise awareness for a charitable cause, so get creative! You could create a space where attendees can get hands-on with your cause, share video testimonials of those who’ve benefitted from the nonprofit organization’s work, or engage the audience with a game or competition. No matter what you do, remember to have fun and express your passion for the cause.
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Emphasize your cause.

Ask a representative from your chosen nonprofit to speak and inspire people to volunteer. Likewise, encourage attendees to contribute in some way outside their ticket purchase. Maybe you could come up with special limited-edition merch branded for your event and cause and ask guests to donate through a crowdfunding page.
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Provide value to all.

A flourishing partnership calls for value for everyone, from sponsors to staff members to attendees. Provide rewards such as discounted tickets or VIP access during the event for those who contribute money or volunteer for your charitable cause. You could also ask your attendees to bring in-kind donations such as canned goods, toiletries, or other items to your event.
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Promote the event.

Develop a social media strategy together with your nonprofit partner so that you are both inspiring your followers to buy tickets to attend. Ask vendors and partners to share information about the event on their social media. Utilize influencers and other social media celebrities to further increase your reach. Additionally, create a hashtag for your event and use it across all platforms to spread the word and engage with potential attendees.

Social media is only part of the event promotion equation! Ask your nonprofit partner to email supporters about the event, and create an email campaign to send to your own list. Print posters, flyers, and postcards with QR codes that direct people to your event ticket sales site. Send out press releases to local media outlets to build awareness and interest in your event. Use vendor relationships to cross-promote the event, including having vendors host booths and provide sample products at the event. Finally, don’t forget word of mouth! Ask friends and family to spread the word and encourage them to invite their own contacts.

In conclusion, partnering with a nonprofit for cause marketing is a no-brainer. It’s a way to add purpose and meaning to your event while making a positive impact on the community. With the tips we’ve shared, you can easily incorporate cause marketing into your event and enjoy the benefits that come with it. And now, we urge you to take action and incorporate a cause marketing campaign into your next event. With Eventgroove’s platform, you can seamlessly integrate the fundraising aspect of your event and make a difference in the world. So, let’s work together to create events that not only entertain but also inspire change. Start now and see the difference you can make!