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The cold is loosening its grip and the sun is sticking around a bit more each day. You know what that means—spring is on its way! With the ever-warmer, birdsong-filled days comes a collective sigh of relief and looking ahead. Not coincidentally, the spring equinox—the official start of spring which, in 2024, falls on Tuesday, March 19—marks a time for renewal and growth. Those themes are also terrific ones with which to engage your community members with creative fundraising ideas.

In this post, we’ll cover:



The Spring Equinox and Nonprofit Organizations

The spring equinox is a celestial event that ushers in the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s a time when day and night are almost equal in length, symbolizing balance and renewal.

For nonprofit organizations, the spring equinox is a wonderful metaphor for growth, rejuvenation, and new beginnings. It’s a beautiful moment to inspire your community to come together, support each other, and contribute to positive change. By aligning fundraising efforts with the spring equinox themes, your organization can tap into the natural sense of optimism the season brings, encouraging greater engagement and generosity toward your good cause.

a baby lamb laying in the grass enjoying the sunshine

Creative Spring Equinox Fundraising Ideas

Leap into spring and freshen up your nonprofit organization’s fundraising efforts! These unique fundraising ideas range from simple, easy-to-produce events that involve a straightforward challenge with a donation page to those that take a little more planning. Enhance the fundraising potential of any of these ideas by putting your favorites together into a larger event or building a full-on spring equinox fundraising campaign push!

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Grow your donation plant sale + silent auction

Give your supporters a warm welcome to visit your office(s) and meet the faces behind the good work you do! Not only will this provide transparency, but it’ll also strengthen the bond between you and your donors. In addition to an in-person event, offer virtual experiences that can be shared all over, like little interviews with your staff and day-in-the-life video tours. Providing such intimate glimpses into your winter projects will leave a lasting impact and bring your community closer.

Instead of your annual spring bake sale, organize a plant sale where each purchase contributes to your cause. Partner with local nurseries or garden centers willing to donate a portion of the sales or provide plants at a discount for this event. Offer a variety of plants ideal for spring planting in your region, including flowers, herbs, and vegetables. This fundraiser can be easily adapted for online sales using your fundraising platform, expanding your reach beyond the local community. You can also add an online auction, in which you offer items complementary to your theme, such as time with a master gardener, a native plant package, outdoor decor items, and the services of an outdoor space planner.

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Spring equinox yoga

Organize a yoga class on the day of the spring equinox. You can partner with a local yoga studio or instructor, or perhaps one of your organization’s current donors is also a certified yogi and would love to donate their time! Using your fundraising platform, you can ask participants to register and pay a small fee or donate what they can. To include supporters who can’t participate in person, livestream the class so people can get their stretch on wherever they are! You can use social media, email, or text messages to invite and remind your supporters to join your yoga event.

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Spring break raffle

Raffle off a spring break getaway package, such as a hotel stay, a spa treatment, or exceptional raffle basket packed with self-care weekend treats (like dinner at a local restaurant) and gift cards. You can sell raffle tickets online or in person and draw the winner on the spring equinox. You can also have smaller raffle prizes for runners-up, such as books, movies, or gift cards. That way, your supporters have more chances at winning something great, which helps to sell raffle tickets.


seedlings growing in little pots
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Spring equinox scavenger hunt

Put together a fun scavenger hunt that involves finding items or completing tasks related to spring, such as flowers, birds, eggs, or planting seeds. You don’t have to make the hunt items literal! For example, your clue for flowers could lead hunters to a specific painting at a local community center or art gallery. Your spring scavenger hunt could be a team or an individual challenge, with clues and hints shared on your nonprofit’s social media (this is a great way to build followers, too!). Raise money by charging an entry fee or by asking for donations from participants through your fundraising platform. You could also arrange for sponsorships from local businesses, and then plan the hunt to include items at their locations. Participating businesses can offer discounts or coupons to your participants!

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Spring pet photo contest

Everyone wants to get outside with their pets! Invite participants to submit photos of their pets enjoying the spring season, whether it’s playing in a field of flowers, going for a swim, or just enjoying a sunny day. Charge a small fee for each photo submission and allow the community to vote for their favorites by making a donation for each vote. Partner with local businesses to offer prizes for the winners, such as pet supply gift baskets, training coupons, and grooming gift cards.
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Spring online auction

Host an online auction featuring spring-themed items, experiences, and services. This could range from a weekend getaway in a scenic location to gardening consultation services. An online auction allows supporters from far and wide to participate, increasing the potential for higher bids and more funds raised.

Spring Equinox Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Ideas

The spring equinox is a time for renewal and growth in nature, which is lovely inspiration for your nonprofit to refresh its efforts to cultivate community and raise funds. Peer-to-peer fundraisers are an exceptionally effective way to accomplish both. Peer-to-peer campaigns leverage the networks of your organization’s most passionate supporters, encouraging them to raise funds on your behalf. Participants set up personal fundraising pages and share them throughout their social media networks, helping to grow awareness and raise money for your organization’s mission.

For more about peer-to-peer, read Peer-To-Peer Fundraising: Everything You Need To Know.

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Spring fitness challenge

Like everyone else in the Northern Hemisphere, your supporters are itching for more fresh air. Capitalize on that inclination with a virtual spring fitness challenge fundraiser! Participants pledge to complete a certain distance walking, running, biking, rock climbing, or any activity they choose. Each participant then creates a personal fundraising page that they share throughout their social networks to raise money and awareness.
A sweet white fluffily dog dressed for spring
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Gardening contest

Host a spring gardening contest where participants create their own garden projects—from flower beds to vegetable gardens—and share their progress online. Supporters can raise funds by seeking sponsorships for their gardening efforts or by competing for votes (in the form of donations) for their projects. This idea connects the themes of growth and renewal directly with your fundraising efforts.
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Eco-friendly challenges

Inspire your supporters to take on eco-friendly challenges that promote sustainability and environmental consciousness, aligning with the spirit of renewal that the spring equinox embodies. Challenges can range from a week of zero-waste living, planting trees, or reducing personal carbon footprints, with participants raising funds through their advocacy and action.

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Leash-up for charity walk

Organize a walk or hike where participants can enjoy the beauty of spring with their pets. Participants in this furry-friend peer-to-peer fundraiser can secure pledges for every mile they complete. If you host an in-person walk, choose scenic routes that are suitable for pets and their owners, and end the event with a small festival or picnic where everyone can relax and enjoy the spring weather together. If you include a virtual element, make sure you include mention of all furred companions—some people walk their cats on leashes, and horseback riders can ride on the trail for your cause!

The Net-Net

The spring equinox offers a unique opportunity for nonprofit organizations to engage with their communities through creative fundraising events. By tapping into the themes of renewal, growth, and community, these ideas can help you inspire giving, connect with supporters, and raise essential funds for your cause!

For more creative and easy fundraising ideas, read:

Ready to get started? Our all-in-one fundraising solution simplifies running and managing your fundraisers, leaving you time to do more good. Eventgroove is equipped with all the tools you need, including easy-to-build fundraising pages, livestreaming, peer-to-peer functionality for all your campaigns, built-in marketing tools, and more. Plus, if ever you need help, our Montana-based team is happy to assist. Sign up for your free fundraising account.