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Trout Unlimited

We wouldn’t be able to have our 420 chapters and councils, running more than 9,000 events across the country every year without Eventgroove and the various platforms they provide.

We wouldn’t be able to have our 420 chapters and councils, running more than 9,000 events across the country every year without Eventgroove and the various platforms they provide.

Event Success As Easy As 1-2-3

Step-by-step process for creating a successful event for your TU chapter.

Design your own icon

1. Create event image

Design a compelling infographic for your event.

Schedule icon

2. Set up online event page

Visit TU’s Event Center, sign in, and create your event (live, virtual, or hybrid).

Products icon

3. Promote your event

Once your event is all set, easily copy the link or QR code to share on social media, in chapter emails and newsletters, or by printing and hanging posters and flyers in your community

Watch the training video

Fundraiser Success As Easy As 1-2-3

Step-by-step process for creating a successful fundraiser for your TU chapter.

Hand heart icon

1. Choose a fundraiser type

Choose from multiple different effective fundraiser options.

button icon

2. Customize your fundraiser

Walk through the intuitive step-by-step fundraising dashboard to create your ideal fundraiser.

Products icon

3. Promote your fundraiser

Copy the link to share on social media, in chapter emails and newsletters, or by printing and hanging posters and flyers in your community.

Watch the training video

Design Your Own Products

Step-by-step process for creating your own templates using our flexible editor.

Watch the training videos

Need help?

Discover helpful tips from other chapters around creating events and fundraisers, as well as monthly updates from the Eventgroove team.

Site Links


Find links below to the events, fundraising, and product websites for your chapter.


Create an online event page for your live, virtual or hybrid event and sell tickets.


Raise money online with one of 6 different fundraiser types.


Order a variety of custom products for your events and fundraisers.

Need help? Our support team is standing by.
