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Planning events on the Eventgroove event management platform just got a whole lot easier!

As an event organizer, you’ve got enough on your plate—we’re here to make your job easier. To better support you, we’ve given our event dashboard a major upgrade. Now, whether you’re planning an online event, hybrid event, or live event, everything is mobile-first. This means your ability to organize your events—from selling tickets and merchandise, promoting, organizing reserved seating, accessing analytics, and more—is all in the palm of your hand.

What’s new in our all-in-one event dashboard

Optimized for mobile

Mobile users rejoice! We’ve created a much better experience—each page within your events dashboard will work as well on a mobile device as it will on a desktop or laptop. In other words, features that only work on large screens are a thing of the past.

Consistent navigation

All of the event management pages have been reorganized to appear under a single, unchanging navigation system. At the top, there’s an ever-present dropdown menu, a context-sensitive menu on the left (that may be hidden to give you more room to work), and a set of information-oriented links in the footer.

Multi-user access

On our platform, event planners are able to authorize other users to carry out event management actions on their behalf. Now, with our update, the menus now adjust to reflect the context of the event host for whom the delegate is acting. Any actions initiated from the menus will apply to that event host until such time as the delegate returns to “My Own Events” (or begins acting on behalf of a different event host). In other words, our update makes it clear whose events you’re working on. This is especially great for our customers whose teams work on multiple events simultaneously!

A consolidated reports page

All the reports for events, print-on-demand orders, guests, ticket sales, and contacts have all been consolidated into a user-friendly, easy-to-find reports page on your events dashboard.

Easier reserved seating

If an event uses Reserved Seating, the event dashboard menu will reflect that by adding a section to handle all the actions related to managing a seating layout.
To see all the features of our new event dashboard in action, check out our two-minute video tutorial below! You can also take our event platform for a test drive to get a better feel for all our features in action.