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Networking with customers during the holidays is a touchy business. Of course, there’s the fact that some of the people on your contact list might not be at home because of traveling and holiday shopping. But there’s also the fear of seeming too much like Scrooge to your customers during the holidays. In other words, you want to contact your network about your business without seeming like you’re more concerned with your bottom line than the holiday spirit. Third, some businesses just might believe it’s too much work to try to balance customer call-backs with all the drama that comes with the holidays.

However, as Entrepreneur’s Starr Hall states, people who decide to shelve their marketing plan until the next year might actually be putting themselves at a disadvantage. As Hall wrote, “little do they know…just how many opportunities have passed them by.”

“The holidays can be the best time to bring in new business and reconnect with current clients and customers,” Hall wrote, also writing that connecting with your network through the holidays can actually foster greater loyalty between you and your customers.

If you still have time to contact your network before the holiday celebrations begin, decide what you can do now to connect and strengthen the bonds between your event or company and your consumers. Hall advises to take a moment to analyze what you can offer to your customers for the remainder of the holiday season. However, if it’s just too late, use this time to get a jumpstart on your marketing plan for the next year.

For those worried that no one will be on the other end when you call, Hall writes that despite common thought, the holidays are actually one of the slowest times of the year. Take this extra amount of time to reach out to your network and wish them a happy holiday season while reminding them of why they love your service.

Doing something as simple as wishing your customers a happy holiday season shows your customers that you like doing business on an intimate human level.  As Barry Moltz wrote for Small Business Trends, special events like anniversaries (and as we can assume by extension, holidays) is a great opportunity to contact your customers and show them that you care.

This holiday season, don’t feel afraid to contact your customers. Just sending them simple wish for a holiday fun and a happy new year will make your customers feel like a valued member of your network.

Do you have a holiday event coming up? Try selling tickets online to spread the cheer!

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